I first tried Dundas. I found their object model to be very easy to use - without a doubt - it is very straight forward. I also like how they data-bind objects - very intuitive. The software has a nice interface and produces very nice graphs. Currently, this is my software of choice for graphing. However, I wish Dundas would make one improvement - and that is on their rendoring. Read below, because when it comes to rendering, ChartFX has some very nice features.
ChartFX does an awesome job rendering graphs. The mouse-over features are remarkable. Specifically, when you hover over a series, the other series disappear allowing the user to clearly see trends. Also, the datapoints are labeled with series name, x, and y coordinates. All of this comes for free - and is very responsive. However, CharFX has two issues - the databinding object model is very weak when it comes to databases - eps. if the user wants a cross-tab chart. I also encountered a number of miscellanous bugs in the software - the a ability to determine the visible chart area seems to be an issue, and when trying to upgrade the dll's based on the built in mechanism, that seems to have issues as well.
In summary, I would offer these thoughts on the strengths of each vendor
Dundas -
- Great object model - easy to use
- Exceptional databinding
- Seems very stable, few software bugs
- Great tech support
- Best chart rendering for features (mouse-overs, x/y coordinates, etc.)
- Interface presented to the user during run-time is more polished.
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