Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Future Prediction: 512 Bit Computing

In my previous gut feel prediction on where multi-core technology is going, I mentioned that I think it will hit 512 bits in about 10 years. Well, in doing some research, it looks like Transmeta has made mention that they are looking at 256-bit system, although they have not specified any time frame. The article can be found here and also here.

I also stated that I thought Apple has a 128-bit system out. I did a bit more checking, and I don't believe that to be the case. I would welcome the correction, but when poking around at the Apple site, it appears to be primarily 64-bit computing. Also, wikipedia confirmed here that there are no mainstream 128 bit systems (Aug 1, 2007). The exception to this noted by Wikipedia is that there are a few super-computers that are a true 128-bit.

In reading through several other sites, it seems that the general feel is that it will take a while for 64-bit architecture to be adopted, and that should take us a ways into the future. However, if this is the case, one has to wonder what Transmeta is working on and how close they are to success.

Does this change my opinion or prediction? Well, I don't think so. Even though this is clearly not mainstream, it is interesting that Transmeta is working in this space currently. Transmeta has delivered unique systems in the past (ultra low power systems) and they should not be underestimated. It seems that there is a reasonable of opportunity for a 512-bit system to emerge.

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